
Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Content and Growth are the Focus at Episerver Ascend 2019

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Each year Episerver organizes the Ascend conference to showcase achievements and accomplishments for the product, the company, and the community. They also layout their roadmap for the future. Each day kicks off with a keynote that is usually intriguing, thought-provoking, or inspirational. A series of breakout sessions, developer labs, and networking opportunities follow. It's a great way for developers, partners, customers, and Epi employees to connect and learn from each other's experiences in the Episerver market.

Now that Ascend 2019 is over, these are a few of my takeaways:

Friday, June 21, 2019

Multiple Image Support in PropertyList

While working on a past project with heavy use of IList<T> properties I ran into several usability situations. One of those situations involved read-only values that were being imported from an external system. They needed to appear in the CollectionEditor, but did not need to be editable (read about that here). Another scenario I encountered involved images in the CollectionEditor. It started off with a simple implementation of the solution provided by Grzegorz Wiecheć, but evolved into something more.

One of the challenges we faced was the customer's need for multiple images in the list, and those images not always sharing the same property name. As with the issue around default values, some of the data for this was being synchronized with an external system, so we needed to be flexible with the property names and the number of image properties that might be present in the list.